Making Metal Castings

Identifying Failue Signs And Arranging Fixes For Electrical Motors

If you have recently started running a manufacturing plant with large electrical motors, then you need to be concerned about the regular maintenance of these motors. This is especially true if you are concerned about costs, since the motors can cost tens of thousands of dollars. One of the best ways to ensure the motors are running properly is to invest in regular electrical motor tests that measure resistance, energy usage, and vibration. Read More 

Need To Move Around The Kitchen Fast This Holiday Season? Try Rolling Carts

The holiday season can be one of the busiest times of the year for you, especially if you plan to cook up a lot of dishes. Rolling carts can help you navigate the kitchen quickly and efficiently, because they come with a number of unique features that make preparing and cooking your holiday meals easy. When you shop for or order your rolling carts, look for the features below. Non-Marking Polyurethane Wheels  Read More 

Two Aspheric Telescope Lens Materials To Consider

If you work in a public planetarium or another type of facility that relies on the precise imagery produced by telescopes, then you may need to consider special ordering the pieces that fit into the telescopes if they become worn or if you want to build a completely new device. The lenses placed within them are vitally important to your work, and the best images are created by aspheric lenses and are not rounded like traditional varieties. Read More 

Dumpster Security Tips: Why They Matter And How To Use Them

Renting a dumpster is an easy way to manage all of your company's waste materials in one place. When you work with a dumpster rental company that also hauls everything away, it's even more convenient. Unfortunately, many business owners overlook the importance of securing their dumpster, and it puts the business and the employees at risk. Here is a look at some of the primary reasons you'll want to put a lock on your dumpster and some other recommendations to secure your waste containers. Read More 

6 Reasons To Redesign Your Parking Lot Around New LED Lights

Tired of spending too much of your monthly operating budget on electricity costs and new bulbs for your parking lot lights? Meet local safety codes while spending a lot less on illumination by hiring an electrical construction crew to retrofit your current fixtures or replace them entirely for a new look too. You'll notice these six benefits within the first few months with your new LED parking lot lights. Reduced Energy Costs Read More